Quality education for everyone, from anywhere, at any stage, at any time
Bridging the gap in education by skill development
We are more than a coaching and not less than a school
Mathedation is one of our in-house product which is very popular among the learners' community as it helps the learners to grow mentally and spiritually in mathematics. It not only makes every learner believe one's capacity of learning maths but also builds the capability through focused practice and thereby increases the confidence and love for the subject. All these variants include the vedic mathematics techniques mixed with the tips & tricks arising out of the experience and the expertise of our mentors. We believe in giving a personal touch to the aboriginal methods which has helped numerous learners with a midas touch to their efforts.

This is the seed-level of learning which makes the learners explore & engage with the mother methods.
The focus at this stage is only on accuracy.
This level deals with the basic understanding and the usage of mathematical with an eye on details.
There will be 10 quizzes and atleast 5 assessments with evaluations, finally ending on certificate of course completion.
This course is ideally suited for learners who are 9 years old / Grade 3 and above.
The topics involved at this stage will be addition, substraction, multiplication, division of one to three-digit number's fraction, place & face- value, squares etc and shall have 10 sessions of one hour each.
10 sessions of 1 hr. each
20 sessions of 1/2 hr. each

This is the sapling-level of learning which makes the learners explore, engage & enjoy with the mother methods among others.
The focus at this stage is on accuracy with an aim to improve speed of calculations as well.
This level deals with the in-depth understanding and the usage of mathematical operators & expressions with an eye on details.This course is ideally suited for learners who are 11 years old / Grade 5 and above.
The topics involved at this stage will be addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, cubes, quadruples, square-roots of single-digit to five-digit numbers, reciprocals, percentages, SI, CI, numbers, number of digits etc.
12 sessions of 1 hr. each
24 sessions of 1/2 hr. each

This is the tree-level of learning which makes the learners get enlightened and empowered with various methods leading to multi-dimensionality.
The focus at this stage is on accuracy & speed both.
This level deals with various concepts across topics aiming at building the capacity & capability of the learner.
There will be 15 quizzes and atleast 8 assessments with evaluations, finally ending on certificate of course completion.
This course is ideally suited for learners who are 14 years old / Grade 8 and above.
The topics involved at this stage will be addition, substraction, multiplication, division with bigger numbers in various number-systems, application of operators with binomials, trinomials, quadratic, cubic, polynomial expressions / equations, P & C etc.
15 sessions of 1 hr. each
30 sessions of 1/2 hr. each

This composite package includes all the three levels Basic, Intermediate & Advanced in a structured manner.
This course is the most sought-after one as it aims at empowering the learner with concepts and confidence progressively.
The learner gets access to almost all the topics of mathematics after the completion of this course.
It is cost effective and productive which not only creates love for mathematics but also takes the learning of mathematics to the next-level. This course is ideally suited for learners who are 14 years old / Grade 8 and above.
40 sessions of 1 hr. each
80 sessions of 1/2hr. each
We believe in offering you hours in the form of scheduled learnings in order to make it accessible and affordable.
Choose the right one for yourself judiciously.
Group Waivers also available in addition to the existing fees.
Here " F / Hour is the Fees / Hour " in the Currency of that country where you want these online-tuitions to be given.
WhatsApp us to check out the Fees "F / Hour" in your country (Click) .